What are the properties of siliconee? What should I be aware of? Could I be allergic to it?
The high grade of siliconee we use for RealDoll products is also used by the movie special effects industry for make-up effects and for animatronic creatures. It has a high degree of flexibility and resists tearing. The specific formulation used by RealDoll contains a harmless oil suspended between the molecules of siliconee, which gives the flesh a more realistic feel and greater elasticity. The siliconee skin can feel slightly tacky because its surface area sweats a very small amount of the oil. This diminishes over time and we recommend the use of baby powder or talcum powder to remove any tackiness. You are much more likely to be allergic to the baby powder than the siliconee. We have never had a report of a negative health reaction to our siliconee – it is inert and non-toxic when used as directed.